May 6, 2013 - Geeklist at Runway SF
Build Apps fast without managing servers
Data persistence, but in realtime
With authentication & security rules, serves as the complete backend
Users don't like waiting
Users want their data wherever they are, between all their devices
(and sometimes their friends)
The save and
buttons are quickly becoming obsolete
Ergo, Sync should be made available to all players
"All problems in computer science can be solved by adding another layer of abstraction"
Real servers
Virtual machines
In an always connected world, request-response just isn't good enough
Data synchronization provides a far easier programming model
Most apps needs some form of persistence anyway
With message passing, what happens to missed messages? History?
A data synchronization approach can easily subsume message passing
It's a big leap from the request-response world
Developers "get" AJAX, but don't always grok events
Very important to make APIs intuitive, driving developers into the "pit of success"
One of our FAQs:
var ref = new Firebase("https://myfirebase.firebaseio.com/foo"); ref.on("child_added", function(snapshot) { console.log(snapshot.val()); });
Most developers think in terms of SQL
Even with "NoSQL" DBs, SQL-like queries are possible
But not with Firebase - duplication neccessary for performance
users: { user1: { name: "Alice", comments: { comment1: true } } }, comments: { comment1: { body: "Geeklist is awesome!", author: user1 } }
The nature of data sync requires a reliable, in-order transport
WebSocket support can be spotty
Always need to have a "works-everywhere" fallback: long-polling
There's plenty of browser quirks for everyone!
when creating iframesnavigator.onLine
is just a big lieAlways, always test on all browsers before a code push
Whenever concurrency is involved, immutability shines
Most functional languages, Channels in Go
JS is single threaded, but support for other language drove the need for "snapshots"
Snapshot system developed in JavaScript first, now core to the API
var ref = new Firebase("https://myfirebase.firebaseio.com/foo"); ref.once("value", function(snapshot) { console.log(snapshot.val()); });
We always fire local events acknowledging changes
This prevents jitter in some cases
Also makes offline mode easier to reason about
var ref = new Firebase("https://myfirebase.firebaseio.com/foo"); ref.on("child_added", function(snapshot) { console.log(snapshot.val()); }); ref.push("I'm a new child!");
Hypervisors could not keep up with our traffic patterns
THe architecture we have generates large amounts of small packets
VMs can push about 15,000-75,000 packets per second
The "thundering herd" is a problem, but even steady-state for large number of concurrent connections isn't easy
Our client is a lot more complex than our server
Diffing, caching and event triggers are all client-side
Server doesn't keep track of what each client knows
Security in a client-side app was a big open question
Tie it to authentication and express logic as lightweight expressions
{ "rules": { "$userid": { ".read": true, ".write": "auth.id == $userid" } } }